visioning workshop

A 4-week creative accelerator to get

clarity on your year ahead.

Let’s create a roadmap to move your visions into reality. 

There is nothing more powerful than creating your vision for the year ahead, surrounded by a powerful and inspiring community. Start your year off right, let’s move your visions, dreams and desires into reality in 2024.

Let’s expand and create what we wish existed in a supportive community.

Whether you are in the dreaming phase or years into your project this workshop will have you heading in the right direction.


~Live Workshopping Classes 

lock in on your vision and move it into reality

~In Person Meet Ups with Guest Speakers, Experts & Expanders, workshops and convos

~Prompts and Action Plans to move your dreams into reality

~Tools to get unstuck , move past fears and get clear on your greatest strengths

 ~Private ​Master Mind Groups for accountability 

private accountability group incl. networking and weekly action plans

~Community Channel

Stay connected and inspired with other creatives and small business owners 




Intros + Create clear vision outline for 2024

JANUARY 11TH 6:30pm

Group brainstorm + create actionable steps

January 17th 6:30pm pst

Speaker - how to grow biz & create brand enthusiasts

January 27th 2pm

Hot Seats (feedback, tips, ideas for your biz/ creative endeavor) + Reflection Circle+ Mingle

*these dates will be in person in Redondo Beach. A virtual option is also available.

Is this workshop for you?

This workshop is for you if you want to start or grow a creative PROJECT or business this year.

This workshop is for you if you are looking for support and community.

This workshop is for you if you are feeling stuck.

This workshop is for you if you are ready to take a leap into greatness

Dream it

Build it

Grow it

Dream it • Build it • Grow it •